Monday 17 August 2009

Hemorrhoids: Medical treatment of hemorrhoids, Sclerosing treatment, Hemorrhoidectomy, Advice and basic care


* Maintain good hygiene and avoid anal hemorrhoids rub or scratch to help prevent infection.
* Correct constipation by adding fiber to your diet: fruit, vegetables, bread, abundant liquid
* Correct as diarrhea.
* Avoid highly seasoned foods, spicy and fat, and alcohol consumption.
* Avoid efforts to defecate.
* Reduce the time of defecation.
* Use soft toilet paper or cleaning anal by bathing with warm water.
* Should not apply ice or cold dressing because, although this action temporarily relieves pain, prevents the cold to dissolve the thrombus that causes hemorrhoids.

Medical treatment of hemorrhoids

Most of the time, first-degree hemorrhoids (which shall not be removed from the anus) can be treated easily with a few home care.

To regularize the intestinal transit, doctors suggest, first and foremost, to respect as far as possible the rules of hygiene and lifestyle described in the Prevention section.

When the itching and pain are mild, it is possible to effectively relieve with products offered for sale free ointments, creams, suppositories. The majority of these products contains hydrocortisone or benzocaine. Specialty products sold under the name Preparation H does not contain hydrocortisone or benzocaine, but the liver oil of sharks.

Caution. Do not use drug products to hydrocortisone or benzocaine for more than a week, unless the doctor recommends it.

If a blood clot forms in a hemorrhoid, medicine oral analgesics can be used to relieve pain, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol ®), ibuprofen (Advil ®, Motrin ®) or aspirin. You can also apply an ointment locally based nitroglycerin or nifedipine obtained on prescription, which relieves pain by reducing the pressure in the veins.
To treat hemorrhoids resistant

If symptoms persist, any of the following may contribute to treatment.

Sclerosing treatment. The doctor may use various methods to induce sclerosis of a hemorrhoidal protrusion (injection, cryotherapy, infrared, electric current, laser). It can also use a device that sets a tie elastic at the base of the protuberance. In all cases, tissues necrosent and fall of themselves after a few days.

Hemorrhoidectomy. This surgical procedure done under general or epidural anesthesia is to remove the knife, part of the fabric where the hemorrhoids. This method is more radical than previous ones and reduces the risk of recurrence, but requires a longer recovery.

Advice and basic care

* Keep the anal area clean take a bath or shower daily. It is not necessary to use soap.
* After going to the bathroom, to clean gently with a tissue moistened with water, a wet towel for baby or damp cotton cloth. Avoid perfumed tissue.
* In case of itching, apply cold compresses on the anus for about ten minutes, three or four times a day.
* In case of clot or hemorrhoid down, take a bath seat in a hot, 10 to 15 minutes, two or three times a day to relieve pain. Some pharmacies and some stores sell small bathroom that can be installed on the toilet. Do not add soap to water. Drain carefully and put a non-scented powder to keep the skin dry (eg, cornstarch or powder antifungal).
* Wear underwear cotton. The lycra, acrylic and other synthetic fibers prevent the escape of moisture.
* While hemorrhoids are not healed, avoid foods and beverages that can irritate the mucous membranes: coffee (even decaffeinated), alcohol, mustard, hot peppers and other strong spices. Avoid lifting heavy objects, because it increases the pressure in the veins.


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